Chapter 16 - Curriculum Vittae

C O N F I D E N T I A L R E S U M E __________________________________________________

P E R S O N A L D E T A I L S __________________________________________________


  • AGE: 85 YEARS





E D U C A T I O N __________________________________________________








  • Licensed Builder (Manager) Licence Number DB-M 19492 (2002 to Date)

  • Australian Institute of Management Member (1980 to 2000)

  • Australian Institute of Company Directors Member (1994 to 1999)

  • The Australian Institute of Superannuation Trustees Member (1994 to 1997)

  • Royal Australian Institute of Public Administration Member (1975 to 1991)

  • Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia Member (1980 to 1994).

  • Financial Planning Association of Australia Limited Member (1992 to 1994).

  • Australian Society of Accountants Associate (1972 - 1987)

  • Registered Companies Auditor (1976 - 1994)

C A R E E R S U M M A R Y __________________________________________________

  • River Country Homes Pty Ltd Chairman - Domestic Housing Construction.

  • River Country Homes (NSW) Pty Ltd Managing Director - Domestic Housing Construction.

  • E F Rowlands & Associates Pty Ltd Director - Trustee of Family Business interests.

  • Industry Superannuation Services Pty Ltd Director - Business Management and Systems Consultancy.

  • Norwich Union Financial Services Limited. Business and Operational Systems Analyst. Norwich Union Superannuation Limited. Operation Standards Manager. Norwich Union Superannuation Services Operations Manager

  • CSA Consulting Group Pty Ltd General Manager

  • Australian Retirement Fund Pty Ltd - General Manager and Company Secretary of Trustee Company for Australian Super Fund (Now named Australian Super)

  • Transport Superannuation Fund Chief Executive of Trustee Company

  • State Employees Retirement Benefits Fund Chief Executive of Trustee Company

  • Victorian Superannuation Board Assistant General Manager (Finance & Systems)

  • Construction and Building Industry Long Service Leave Board Finance Manager

  • Ministry of Housing – Housing Commission of Victoria - Assistant Expenditure Accountant - Internal Auditor – Concrete House Project

C A R E E R T O D A T E __________________________________________________

I commenced my professional career with the Housing Commission of Victoria in 1960, holding positions as Internal Auditor at their Concrete House Project Factory that supplied pre-cast concrete slabs and walls and associated components and other building materials for all their housing projects and later Assistant Expenditure Accountant at Head Office. During this period a number of slum reclamation and suburban and rural housing construction projects were completed with a total of over 30,000 housing units being builtby the Housing Commission of Victoria for low income earners in suburban and rural towns in Victoria. Due to a shortage of building materials such as timber and bricks, after the war, houses were constructed of prefabricated external walls of concrete with metal window frames attached and internal walls with doors attached which were made in the factory and shipped and erected on sites where the floor slab had already been constructed. Prime cost items such as pre-constructed kitchens, toilets, bathrooms, etc were also made in the factory and assembled on site. All items required to complete a house would fit on two semi-trailers for delivery. Later, an “Industrialised House” was developed using the same principles, but constructed entirely of timber with colour bond aluminium external wall cladding and plasterboard internal wall lining was made for rural areas. Roofs were of steel colour bond construction. The slum reclamation projects in Melbourne took a somewhat different approach by using precast concrete floor and load bearing walls for the construction of low rise (4 storey walk up flats) and high rise (20 to 40 storey) flats. I was appointed Assistant Accountant (Systems Development) to the Victorian Superannuation Board in 1974. During the period 1976 to 1979 I was seconded to the Construction and Building Industry Long Service Leave Board to initially establish the Finance, Investment and Information Technology Departments. On completion of the project, I held the position of Finance Manager of the Board until my return to the Victorian Superannuation Board to the position of Assistant General Manager (Finance & Systems). In 1980, I was offered the position of Chief Executive with the State Employees Retirement Benefits Board to complete the establishment of a unique multi-employer defined benefit scheme for blue collar, part-time, casual and contract workers. In 1988, I established the Transport Superannuation Board that took over the administration of a number of Victorian Public Sector Superannuation funds. In 1990, I was appointed to the position of General Manager (including Company Secretary) with Australian Retirement Fund Pty Ltd, the Trustee of the Australian Retirement Fund (now named Australian Super Fund) of which I was also the Fund Secretary. The Australian Super Fund is now one of the largest Industry Funds in Australia with over $A165 Billion in assets. In March 1994, I established a consultancy business and undertook assignments for Australian Retirement Fund Pty Ltd, The Advisor Group, P & O Australia Ltd and CSA Consulting Group Pty Ltd. During this period as General Manager of CSA Consulting Group I assisted in improving the company’s performance prior to the sale of the Group to Norwich Union Insurance Australia Limited which was completed in June 1994. I was then offered the position of Operations Manager of Norwich’s Superannuation Division. In January 1995 a new company named Norwich Union Superannuation Limited was formed and I became the Operation Standards Manager. At the end of 1997 I returned to my consulting business and worked for the Norwich Union Financial Services Group, CSA Consulting Group and a number of other small clients, until the end of 1999. In 2000, I moved to Yarrawonga (semi-retired) and started a construction company named “River Country Homes”. During this period I have designed and built (using qualified local tradesmen, subcontractors, etc) over 450 quality domestic homes in North East Victoria and Southern New South Wales. In 2005, the company entered into a Licence Agreement with the National Builders Group to construct houses in North East Victoria and Southern New South Wales. This arrangement ceased with the liquidation of the Group in 2004.

E X P E R I E N C E / E X E C U T I V E M A N A G E M E N T __________________________________________________

As Operation Standards Manager of Norwich Union Superannuation Limited (NUSL) I had the responsibility for compliance issues in relation to Federal and State legislation and the evaluation of the efficiency of the operating standards of the company and later took on the tasks of assisting in Project Management, Business Systems Analysis and specifications and related responsibilities. Prior to being offered the position by Norwich, I had been consulting to the CSA Consulting Group and was involved in the development, evaluation and monitoring of quality assurance throughout the organisation with particular emphasis on client needs and expectations and assisting in new business development activities. During the period March to May 1994, I also continued as acting Company Secretary and Fund Secretary of Australian Retirement Fund Pty Ltd, until the appointment of a new General Manager in May 1994. I also provided consultancy services as an independent Group Life Consultant to the A.R.F until the appointment of an Administration Manager in June 1994. I also completed a consulting assignment with P & O Australia Limited to select an administrator for the nine superannuation funds that the company sponsored. As General Manger of the Trustee Company and Fund Secretary of the Australian Retirement Fund, I was responsible for the management of a multi-industry, multi-employer superannuation scheme with a membership of 350,000 and over 20,000 sponsoring employers. During my period with the company, Fund membership increased by over 200,000 and employer participation by over 10,000. The company maintained offices in 4 States and the Northern Territory with a Representative Office in Western Australia. I had two Divisional Managers who were responsible for Marketing and Administration functions reporting to me. The Fund was administered by an external Administrator. Investments were managed by external managers and totalled over $A2 Billion (1994). I introduced strategic planning into the Trustee Company and the preparation of a business plan for the organisation. A total of 15 staff was employed nationally. As Chief Executive of the Transport and State Employees Retirement Benefits Boards, I established organisations that achieved their objectives in a cost-effective manner. I developed strategies and policies in relation to the operations of the organisations and managed the implementation of the process. I was accountable for the Board’s total operations, managing a diverse organisation with five divisions covering Superannuation, Finance and Investment, Executive Support and Information Technology Systems, Internal Audit and Administration & Personnel, with a staff of 45. As a member of the Senior Executive Service my performance was evaluated by my Board of Directors. I have provided advice to Board’s of Directors on all aspects of organisational development, operational matters, complex policy issues in relation to State and Federal legislation and developed strategic responses and ensured the implementation of Board policies. I drafted and instructed Counsel in the preparation of legislation, investment management contacts, trust deeds and other documents.

S Y S T E M S __________________________________________________

I planned and developed benefit structures after consultation with unions, employer associations, government committees, actuaries and legal authorities. I specified and developed systems for the administration of all aspects of new membership registration and contribution collection; management of claims and benefit payments; fund investment and financial management; statistical and other returns. I designed special formulae for handling complicated contribution and benefit calculations for part-time, intermittent and casual employees who were members of the S.E.R.B and Transport Superannuation Funds. In 1979, I created the first Balance Sheet and Operating Statement for the Victorian Superannuation Fund since its inception in 1925 and implemented an accrual accounting system for the operations of the organisation. I evaluated and selected suitable computer software for the management of the multi-million dollar property and commercial and housing mortgage loan portfolios. I also specified the operating procedures for the Fund’s financial management, including budgeting and financial and management reporting. At NUSL I assisted in the installation of an Automated Work Distribution system and the transfer of the Norwich Union Master Trust administration from Jacques Martin International to an in-house administration. I assisted in the Project Management of the “SuperNet” Superannuation Administration, Pooled Superannuation Trust, Group Risk Pool Administration and General Ledger and Investment Management system and its interface with the Automated Work Distribution system to maximise their efficiency and improve productivity. The receipt of all cheques and documents was also centralised at Head office with the use of the “SuperNet” Cash Book system ‘cheque swipe’ and Bank Deposit capacity for banking cheques into the various bank accounts of Norwich’s funds. The Cash Book system has facilities for drawing cheques for various bank accounts and Periodic Debit Authorisations. “SuperNet” is also capable of extensive client communications on the Internet. My last assignment prior to moving to Yarrawonga was the management of the IT Departments Y2K Project that was completed in December 1999.

C O M M U N I C A T I O N S __________________________________________________

I have in the past maintained a high level of communications with senior government and company executives, employer and union representatives, financial institutions, consulting actuaries, legal advisers, investment managers and property and management consultants. I was known to the senior executives of the Australian Council of Trade Unions and various Unions at both Federal and State levels. I had a good working relationship with some executives of the Australian Industry Group (formally Australian Chamber of Manufactures) and its associated organisations together with senior offices of the Taxation Office and the Insurance and Superannuation Commission. I have planned and developed a high level of communication with customers (members and employers) and established a client service philosophy within the organisation I have worked in. The establishment of marketing strategies at the Australian Retirement Fund was a prime focus of my own for expanding into new products to service a niche market. I have established advisory service groups to provide advice on an individual basis and encouraged the conduct of group presentations with a high degree of audience interaction and participation. At the Australian Retirement Fund I established seminar programmes that provided members in all States and the Northern Territory with the opportunity to receive current information on the operations of the Fund and discuss matters relating to superannuation, taxation, industrial relations and other relevant topics. At the A.R.F, I introduced an Annual Report for Members, Employers and other interested parties, which included detailed financial statements.

M A J O R C O M M I T T E E S / A S S O C I A T I O N S __________________________________________________

I was a member of the Administrative, Audit, Investment and Marketing Committees of the Australian Retirement Fund. A member of the S.E.R.B and Transport Superannuation Fund Investment and Audit and Disability Evaluation Committees and the Management and Audit Committee of the Victorian Superannuation Board. I developed policies and strategies for Board approval and then ensured their implementation. The Victorian Superannuation Fund investment portfolio was over $A3 Billion, the S.E.R.B Fund and Transport Superannuation Fund investment portfolio amounted to over $A500 Million and the Australian Retirement Fund amounted to over $A12 Billion. I have represented many organisations at conferences and forums and industry related bodies including the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA), the Conference of Major Superannuation Funds (CMSF) and The Australian Superannuation Industry Forum. I was a member of the Australian Institute of Superannuation Trustees (AIST). I was a member of the public speaking group called “Forum” at the Australian Institute of Management. I have had a long involvement in sports administration, serving many years as Secretary or Treasurer of Hockey and Cricket clubs and representing them at the relevant controlling bodies. Since moving to Yarrawonga I have joined a number of Community Organisations which I have listed on the next page.

S O C I A B I L I T Y / S C H O O L A C T I V I T I E S __________________________________________________

I played:- · Hockey, soccer, and handball and Cricket and was also in the Choir and Cadets at St Thomas’ College, Guruthalawa and Mt Lavinia.

C O M M U N I T Y A F F A I R S ___________________________________________________

I was Secretary and Treasurer of the Boronia Churches Cricket Club, played in the ‘A’ Grade Team and later captained the ‘D’ Grade Team. I also coached the under 12, 14 and 16 junior teams over a number of years.

I have been Honorary Auditor of various organisations including the Australian Children’s Choir Inc: and the St Thomas’ College Old Boy’s Association (Australian Branch) Inc.

I was the Honorary Treasurer of the above Old Boy’s Association from 1995 to 1999.

I have also held official positions with the Australian Children’s Choir, Little Athletics and the St Kilda and Moorabbin Hockey Clubs.

I was a member of the Vestry and Treasurer of St John the Baptist Church, Lilydale until the end of 1999.

I was the Secretary and later the Treasurer of the Vestry of St Cuthbert’s Anglican Church Yarrawonga and also Treasurer for the Parish Council of the Parish of Yarrawonga.

In 2001, I was appointed by the State Government of Victoria to the Board of Management of Yarrawonga District Health Service which administers the Yarrawonga Hospital and Associated Health Services. I am also a member of the Finance Sub-Committee, the Audit Committee and Publicity Committee of this organisation. Due to work commitments, I resigned in 2005.

I was also the President of Yarrawonga Retirement Village Inc, a community based organisation that facilitated the construction of an $A8 Million Aged Care Complex in Yarrawonga.

I am a Past President and Treasurer of the Rotary Club of Yarrawonga – Mulwala (District 9790) and was the Chairperson of the District 9790 International Services Committee. I am also a “Paul Harris Fellow”. I was in charge Rotary District 9790 fund raising to assist in the rehabilitation of schools in Sri Lanka that were destroyed by the Tsunami. In 2007, I visited the College in Galle, Sri Lanka, that rebuilt with funds from Rotary Districts in Australian and other countries.

I have been the Treasurer and on the Executive of the Yarrawonga - Mulwala Community Development Association Inc.

S P O R T S __________________________________________________

I played ‘A’ Grade Hockey for the St Kilda and Moorabbin Hockey Clubs in the 1960’s. I was a keen water skier and interested in sailing. I am an Associate Member of the Mulwala Services Club. I am a stamp collector and also collect “Matchbox” Collectibles. I was a member of the International Fellowship of Cricketing Rotarians.